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Convert between the units (nm → m) or see the conversion table.
- M Meters to Nanometres NM
Convert between the units (m → nm) or see the conversion...
- NM Nanometres to Parsec PC
Convert between the units (nm → pc) or see the conversion...
- NM Nanometres to Nautical Miles NMI
Convert between the units (nm → nmi) or see the conversion...
- Ly Light Years to Nanometres NM
1 Light years = 9.460528405×10 24 Nanometres: 10 Light years...
- NM Nanometres to Decimetres DM
Convert between the units (nm → dm) or see the conversion...
- Nanometres to Angstroms
Convert between the units (nm → Å) or see the conversion...
- NM Nanometres to MILS Mil
Convert between the units (nm → mil) or see the conversion...
- Mm Millimetres to Nanometres NM
Convert between the units (mm → nm) or see the conversion...
- M Meters to Nanometres NM
Calculate how many meters are in a nanometer (m) (nm). This page includes nanometers to meters conversion formula, conversion factor, and conversion table (chart).
To convert m to nm, use the following equation: 1\ \mathrm {m} = 1,\!000,\!000,\!000\ \mathrm {nm} 1 m = 1,000,000,000 nm. To find the result of a conversion from meter to nanometer, simply multiply the value in meters by a billion. Let's see how to use the conversion factor from nm to m!
How many Meter make 1 Nanometre? Measurement calculator that can be used to convert nm to m (Nanometre to Meter), among others. (Distance)
Online calculator to convert nanometers to meters (nm to m) with formulas, examples, and tables. Our conversions provide a quick and easy way to convert between Length or Distance units.
1 Nanometer (nanometer) is equal to 1.0E-9 Meter (meter). If we want to reverse convert Meter to Nanometer according to the Frequency units reference formula, 1 m = 1000000000 nm. You can find automatic conversion rates in the table below.
Convert nanometers to meters (nm to m) with the length conversion calculator, and learn the nanometer to meter formula.