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Use the computer properly to keep it in good working order! Lab use is a privilege -- not a right! Abuse that privilege and you can (and will) lose your lab time. Follow the Acceptable Use Policy regarding appropriate searches and computer use.
Safe working conditions help prevent injury to people and damage to computer equipment. A safe workspace is clean, organized, and properly lighted. Everyone must understand and follow safety procedures. Follow the basic safety guidelines to prevent cuts, burns, electrical shock, and damage to eye-sight.
You will be provided with a health and safety lecture at the beginning of the first lab for each course. You are responsible for ensuring that you understand this safety information.
The Computer Laboratory is a specialist room and everyone should put into practice the following guidelines: • Seek permission from your teacher before entering the computer lab and before using computer facilities. • Move around the lab in an orderly manner in silence. • Keep the computer lab clean.
This document outlines safety rules and guidelines for a computer lab at the PESS of NIE. It provides dos and don'ts for proper computer lab etiquette and care of equipment. The dos include knowing emergency procedures, reading activity instructions thoroughly, and reporting issues promptly.
9 lis 2023 · The best computer lab rules are ones that are focused on promoting a positive learning environment and good ‘netiquette‘. Make sure your rules set high expectations for your students, but also only set rules that are achievable.
The document outlines safety rules and regulations for students in the computer lab. It lists proper etiquette such as sitting properly, keeping hands clean, reporting issues to teachers, shutting down computers correctly, and sharing with classmates.