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  1. FOCUS 2 is an online interactive, self guided career and education planning system designed to help you make decisions about your future career goals and education plans. Assess your career planning readiness, work interests, values, skills, personality type and leisure time interests.

  2. Review your FOCUS 2 assessment results when writing your resume, cover letters and planning for interviews. Know why and be able to discuss how your interests, personality type, values and skills are an asset in the work world. • Job Boards and Internship Opportunities (under Recommended Tools and

  3. 18 lut 2016 · These competencies help identify the knowledge, skills, abilities or other behaviors critical to success in a job role or specific function. Planning performance expectations. Determining training and development needs. Establishing recruitment and selection criteria. Organizational succession planning and career development.

  4. FOCUS 2 is a self-paced, online career and education planning tool designed to help you explore Gateway programs and related occupations. Complete and read through the results of each assessment. The results include occupations and supporting Gateway programs that match your personal attributes.

  5. PRODUCTIVITY: Strives to consistently achieve excellence in all tasks and goals. Maintains focus and perseveres in the face of obstacles. Uses time efficiently and responds quickly and constructively when confronted with challenges. Prioritizes tasks based on importance. PERSONAL GROWTH: Ensures job knowledge and skills are current and valuable.

  6. The Skills Assessment will identify occupations that match your skills profile. Skills can be learned or be the result of natural abilities and talents for doing certain tasks. It is important to explore occupations that you have the ability to do or plan to become more proficient in. List the skills you selected as being your top three skills ...

  7. Employers will decide if you have the necessary abilities to perform well in a job by assessing your skills and competencies. Competencies are a set of skills that are needed to carry out a particular role. These are outlined in the job description and person specification.

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