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  1. 7 paź 2023 · Members of la Famille, an incestuous religious cult, have been living in secrecy in central Paris for over 200 years. Now their strange customs are finally seeing the light.

  2. Le Code de l'action sociale et des familles (parfois abrégé en CASF), anciennement Code de la famille et de l'aide sociale, communément Code de la famille, est, en France, un ensemble de dispositions législatives et réglementaires sur l'action sociale et la famille.

  3. France Pro-Natalist Policy overview. In 1939, the French passed the “Code de la famille”, a complex piece of pro natalist legislation. The pro natalist methods in the policy included: Offering cash incentives to mothers who stayed at home to care for children. Subsidising holidays.

  4. Code de la famille. Then in 1939, France passed one of its largest and most comprehensive pro-natalist laws, the Code de la Famille, which still exists today. This piece of legislation offered significant benefits to families who chose to have more than one child.

  5. a deciphering process that shows the Code de la Famille in gestation. McLaren notes that France's fears about depopulation reached a pitch of "alarm verging on hysteria after the country's humiliating defeat in 1870 at the hands of a more youthful and populous Germany" (1). Under the influence of Michel Foucault, McLaren also points out that

  6. 17 lip 2021 · In 2017, the MIVILUDES published a note that showed that it was difficult to apply its “cult” model to La Famille. French anti-cultists believe that in each “cult” there is aguru” exploiting gullible followers, who was nowhere to be seen in La Famille.

  7. 9 lip 2024 · Un décret-loi institue le code de la famille et de la natalité françaises. Ce texte constitue la première tentative d’une véritable politique familiale en France avec un objectif nataliste clairement affiché.

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