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  1. Forgot Password ?

  2. It offers the deepest and broadest set of capabilities to support the complete student life from prospects through enrollment to alumni management. Quick Links CMS Portal

  3. The Sukkur IBA University is a higher education institute in Sukkur, Pakistan. The university is a public sector degree-awarding institute chartered by the Government of Sindh and recognized by the Higher Education Commission.

  4. Enable Screen Reader Mode. Copyright © 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

  5. Student portal provides students alternate way to check their attendance record and marks obtained internally (60 marks) semester wise and subject wise. Portal Link Close DSpace Digital Library Portal

  6. Please use your CMS-ID & Password for login after login you can proceed.

  7. The android app is connected with Sukkur IBA student portal and students can register themselves with their CMS id. The app will be available on play store within few days. Stay tuned.....

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