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If I have several classes with functions that I need but want to store separately for organisation, can I extend a class to have both? i.e. class a extends b extends c edit: I know how to extend
For example, when extending a class, the subclass inherits all of the public and protected methods, properties and constants from the parent class. Unless a class overrides those methods, they will retain their original functionality.
The extends keyword is used to derive a class from another class. This is called inheritance. A derived class has all of the public and protected properties of the class that it is derived from. Read more about inheritance in our PHP OOP - Inheritance Tutorial.
Inheritance allows a class to reuse the code of another class without duplicating it. Use the extends keyword to define one class that inherits from another class. A class that inherits another class is called a subclass, a child class, or a derived class. The class from which the subclass inherits is a parent class, a superclass, or a base class.
In this example, we first define a base class and an extension of the class. The base class describes a general vegetable, whether it is edible, and what is its color. The subclass Spinach adds a method to cook it and another to find out if it is cooked. Vegetable. public $edible; public $color;
The following example illustrates inheritance in PHP. <?php class Person { public $name; public $age; public function __construct($name, $age) { $this->name = $name; $this->age = $age; } public function get_age() { return $this->age; } }
19 lut 2024 · Inheritance is a fundamental object-oriented programming concept in PHP where a class (subclass or child class) can inherit properties and methods from another class (superclass or parent class). It enables code reusability and promotes hierarchical relationships between classes.