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  1. The recycling program offered in the City of Marysville allows residents to conveniently recycle at their curb on a weekly basis. Recycling is picked up on your normal trash day starting at 6:00 am. All recyclables should be placed in the provided blue recycling toters.

  2. /(*(1' &rus / lplw 6wuhhwv 5rxwh 0rqgd\ 7xhvgd\:hgqhvgd\ 7kxuvgd\)ulgd\ 127( 7klvpdslvduhvrxufhwrehxvhgirujhqhudolqirupdwlrqsxusrvhv rqo\ 7kh&lw\ri0du ...

  3. 30 gru 2023 · We’re here to help you find the Marysville OH trash pickup schedule for 2024 including bulk pickup, recycling, holidays, and maps. The City of Marysville is in Ohio with Marion to the north, Delaware to the east, Dublin and Columbus to the southeast, and Springfield to the southwest.

  4. Recycling is collected on blue weeks. Yard Waste is collected weekly. Yard waste collection is available by subscription in designated areas. For more information or to sign up, please call 360-363-8001. Once-a-month garbage collection is the first full week of each month on your service day. DOES NOT APPLY TO WEEKLY CUSTOMERS.

  5. 12 gru 2023 · Marysville Trash Collection Calendar 2024. The city conducts a once-a-month garbage collection schedule. Please put your garbage cart out on the first full week of each month on your normal collection day. See the schedule below: 2023 Schedule: January 2-6; February 6-10; March 6-10; April 3-7; May 1-5; June 5-9

  6. Residents whose garbage and recycling is usually collected on Thursday have Friday service the day after Thanksgiving. Residents whose regular day is Friday have Saturday service after Thanksgiving. Regular collection schedules resume the next Monday.

  7. View the trash pickup schedule areas in the city to determine your pickup day.

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