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Please select what you are paying: Please note that online payments may not post to your account for up to 24 hours. If paying on an account that is past due, please contact the Village.
- Clerk-Treasurer's Office - Village of Darien, WI
If you can't find what you are looking for, don't hesitate...
- Village of Darien, WI
Navigation, primary. Home; Departments. Building & Zoning;...
- Clerk-Treasurer's Office - Village of Darien, WI
If you can't find what you are looking for, don't hesitate to contact our office so we can help. The Village Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer's Office administers the daily business of the Village of Darien as well as the daily business of the Darien Water & Sewer Utility.
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Where and when do I pay my Tax Bill? You pay your tax bill at the Darien Town Hall, N2826 Foundry Road, Darien from mid December – first few days in February. After that taxes are paid at the Walworth County Treasurers office.
You pay your tax bill at the Darien Town Hall, N2826 Foundry Road, Darien from mid December – first few days in February. After that taxes are paid at the Walworth County Treasurers office. As a reminder the second installment is due by July 31st; at the Walworth County Treasurer’s Office in Elkhorn located at 100 W. Walworth Street.
The Town Clerk is responsible for the town records, elections, and day to day operation of the Darien Town Hall. The Town Treasurer is an appointed position.
19 lis 2024 · Navigation, primary. Home; Departments. Building & Zoning; Code Enforcement; Clerk-Treasurer's Office; Darien Fire & EMS; Darien Public Library; Municipal Court