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Direct (non-stop) flights from Chicago to Honolulu. All flight schedules from Chicago O'Hare International , Illinois , USA to Honolulu International Airport , Hawaii , USA. This route is operated by 1 airline (s), and the flight time is 9 hours and 24 minutes. The distance is 4260 miles.
Flying time from Chicago, IL to Hawaii. The total flight duration from Chicago, IL to Hawaii is 8 hours, 30 minutes. This is the average in-air flight time (wheels up to wheels down on the runway) based on actual flights taken over the past year, including routes like ORD to HNL.
The flight time from Chicago to Honolulu is 8 hours, 53 minutes. The time spent in the air is 8 hours, 23 minutes. The flight distance from Chicago to Honolulu is 4243 Miles.
Flight time: 8 hours, 30 minutes. Compare this to a whole day of commercial travel with the airports and waiting in line for security, which ends up taking a total of 14 hours, 24 minutes. Flying private is roughly 1.8x faster, and saves you about 6.5 hours in your total travel time.
1 dzień temu · The fastest direct flight from Chicago to Honolulu takes 9 hours. The flight distance between Chicago and Honolulu is 4,234 miles (or 6,814 km).
The flight time from Chicago O'Hare International Airport to Hawaii (HI) is: 8 hours, 29 minutes. In-air flight time: 8 hours, 29 minutes. From gate to gate: 8 hours, 53 minutes. Constant 500 mph: 8 hours, 28 minutes. Change your flying speed: mph knots. km/h. take-off and landing: minutes. Recommended videos. Powered by AnyClip.
The cheapest month to fly from Chicago to Honolulu is typically January. The most expensive one is typically June. Popular airports near Chicago. Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD)...