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Use our check digit calculator below to calculate a check digit. What is a check digit? The last digit of all fixed-length, numeric GS1 Identification Keys is a check digit that ensures the integrity of the key. All GS1 ID Keys need a check digit, except Component/Part Identifier (CPID) and Global Individual Asset Identifier (GIAI).
GS1 Key Check Digit Calculator Returns the check digit for all GS1 Keys requiring a Modulo 10 check digit, i.e. Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) in all applicable formats, i.e. GTIN-8, GTIN-12, GTIN-13, GTIN-14
Calculate check digit quickly and easily. The check digit serves to secure the recorded data. It ensures that the data has been read in without errors. An incorrect check digit can result in costly corrections.
Here you can calculate the check digit for EAN-13 barcodes online using our interactive calculator. All the calculations are shown, so you see the math behind the check digit.
The easiest way to calculate the check digits is to use the free GTIN Registry. As a member of GS1 Switzerland, you can create and manage your GTIN in the GTIN Registry. You can also generate EAN-13 barcodes in the GTIN Registry with just one click.
The following calculation can be used to create the check digit for all the GS1 Identification Keys that require them, including GTINs and GLNs. Let’s take the GTIN 501234567890C as an example, where C is the check digit.
Use GS1's UPC check digit calculator to confirm the integrity of your barcode number.