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825 Eighth Avenue. New York, NY 10019. 212-560-1313. Fax: 212-560-1314. Local New Jersey line: 973-643-3315. As a member-supported station, we greatly value your...
Telephone: 1-800-999-WNYT. Newsroom FAX: 518-434-0659. WNYT-TV 715 N. Pearl St. Albany, NY 12204
NewsChannel 13, WNYT is the NBC affiliate in Albany, NY. You can get the latest news, weather, sports and other information for New York's Capital Region from NEWSCHANNEL 13 and
Support THIRTEEN. Your support keeps THIRTEEN's quality programs free and independent. Help. Select a topic: Questions about your Membership/Donation. Member Portal. Questions about our...
US phone number format consists of a country code (+1), followed by a 3-digit area code, and then a 7-digit subscriber number. If you are calling the US from outside, use the following format: your country’s exit code + 1 + area code + local phone number. Local, toll-free, mobile, vanity, and emergency numbers are the types of US phone numbers.
Format the complete phone number as: 1 XXX XXX XXXX, where each “X” represents a digit Examples: A phone number in New York City with country code: 1 (212) 555-1234; A phone number in San Francisco with country code: 1 (408) 123-4567
This is a list of broadcast television stations serving cities in the state of New York, as of 2016–2017. The branding that the stations commonly use are shown in bold.