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of our Filipino People. Vatican City, 6 March 1997 Prot. N. 97000707 Your Excellency, The Episcopal Conference of the Philippines, at the appropriate time, sent to this Dicastery the Catechism for Filipino Catholics developed by the same Episcopal Conference, requesting the approval of the Holy See.
PISO — refers to the financial standards that measure the financial performance of the cooperative. The acronym PISO stands for Profitability, Institutional Strength, Structure of Assets, and Operational Strength or staying power capacity of the cooperative.
determine the Composite Rating of the BSFI. The Composite Rating of the BSFI represents a judgment of the resilience of the BSFI to adverse business and economic conditions. The composite risk rating ranges from 1 to 4, with BSFIs rated 4 being those that are deemed most resilient to adverse events. In principle, between two BSFIs with
8 sie 2012 · This is the official Vatican approved National Catholic Catechism for the Philippines, entitled Catechism for Filipino Catholics [CFC]. As a national catechism, one major function of the CFC has been to draw together two major current sources for our “renewed catechesis.”
Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRSs) are currently fully converged with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) except for the deferral of IFRIC 15 Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate. Unaccompanied IFRSs may be downloaded from the IASB website free of charge.
The Philippines has three financial reporting frameworks, namely the Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRSs), the Philippine Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Medium-Sized Entities (PFRS for SMEs) and the Philippine Financial Reporting Standard for Small Entities (PFRS for SEs).
• CfC is doing well and remains highly relevant to Australia’s Aid Investment Plan for the Philippines. It is effective and efficient, and should lead to sustained outcomes.