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The International System of Units, abbreviated SI, is the simplified modern version of the various metric systems. Most metric units are not part of SI, so don’t call it “the metric system.” SI has many advantages: No conversions. Only one unit for each quantity. No numbers to memorize. Derived units are defined without numerical factors.
SPECTRAL QUANTITIES are derivative, per unit wavelength with the additional dimension m–1, and are indicated by a subscript λ (e.g. spectral radiance Lλ with units W-m–3 sr–1.) Non-spectral quantities that are wavelength-dependant are indicated as (λ); e.g. transmission, τ(λ).
It is clear to which unit symbol a numerical value belongs and which mathematical operation applies to the value of a quantity because forms such as the following are used. (See Sec. 7.7.) 35 cm × 48 cm
When you step on a scale, you apply a force on the top of the scale. The force that you are applying is due to gravitational pull (proportional to mass) of you by the earth.
Every equation that we use in physics must have the same type of units on both sides of the equals sign. Our basic unit types (dimensions) are length (L), time (T ) and mass (M). When we do dimensional analysis we focus on the units of a physics equation without worrying about the numerical values.
Define . scalar . and . vector . quantities and give examples. Draw and use a . vector triangle to determine the resultant of two coplanar vectors, such as displacement, velocity and force. area Calculate the resultant of two perpendicular vectors such as displacement, velocity and force. velocity
the unit with symbol t and defined according to 1t=103 kg is called “metric ton” rather than “tonne”; (iii) the four units curie, roentgen, rad, and rem are included in Table 8; (iv) a number of “Editor’s notes” are added in