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  1. Californias annual precipitation can vary greatly from year to year and region to region. The map of California shows how this water year’s precipitation compares to what has been observed historically. The chart below provides a summary of California’s current statewide precipitation statistics.

  2. Calclim is a climate monitoring and data access website for the state of California. Calclim is a joint venture of the Western Regional Climate Center and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, originally funded by the California Energy Commission. Current California Climate At-A-Glance

  3. › web › calclim-california-climate-data-archiveCalClim: California Climate Data Archive

    The website provides data downloads from weather and climate stations in California as well as tools for analyzing weather and climate data in California, including tools for creating graphs and maps for temperature and precipitation from historic and current data, drought data (both current and forecast) and the ability to search specialized ...

  4. The majority of California is projected to see an increase in precipitation: 5 to 10 percent for northern and central California and 0 to 5 percent for the majority of southern California. The southernmost portion of the state is projected to see a decrease of 0 to 5 percent.

  5. Precipitation. California is known for its highly variable precipitation and has the highest variability of year-to-year precipitation in the contiguous United States. California’s variable precipitation is also characterized by multi-year wet or dry periods.

  6. USGS Current Conditions for California_ Precipitation. Explore the NEW USGS National Water Dashboard interactive map to access real-time water data from over 13,500 stations nationwide. Click to hide state-specific text.

  7. › downloads › California-StateClimateSummary2022California State Climate Summary - NCICS

    dominant roles in California’s seasonal precipitation patterns. During summer, the North Pacific High and the jet stream move northward, keeping storms north of the state and resulting in dry summers. In winter, this system moves southward, allowing storms to bring precipitation to the state.

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