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16 lis 2024 · This link takes you to a 12 year study on the difference between surgery and radiation side effects. It shows that radiation has fewer side effects in some areas and the possibility of more in other areas of the body. ... “The authors argue that given the uncertain benefit of prostate cancer treatment for most patients, these findings ...
14 cze 2024 · Surgery for prostate cancer involves removing the prostate gland (radical prostatectomy), some surrounding tissue and a few lymph nodes. Surgery is an option for treating cancer that's confined to the prostate.
Mayo Clinic surgeons have vast experience in all forms of prostatectomy, performing a high volume of procedures each year. Mayo Clinic surgeons are experts in all types of radical prostatectomy, including robot-assisted prostatectomy.
30 kwi 2024 · Surgery to remove both testicles lowers testosterone levels in the body quickly. This might bring quick relief for a cancer that's causing pain or other symptoms. Hormone therapy side effects may include not being able to get and keep an erection, called erectile dysfunction.
Side effects: Because of prostate's location, many side effects of radiation therapy are urination related, including frequent, painful, or urgent urination. Other side effects include loose or painful bowel movements and erectile dysfunction.
12 wrz 2024 · Prostate removal surgery can lead to multiple side effects. Some, such as incontinence and erectile dysfunction, can be temporary. Others, such as infertility, may be permanent. Prostate...
17 wrz 2024 · Detecting prostate cancer early, when treatment is most effective, may help you avoid advanced prostate cancer. One way to do that is through a PSA test. A PSA test is a blood test that measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in your blood.