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  1. Car specs database with all car brands in the world. Find out complete car database with specs, image galleries and car comparison tool.

    • Car Manufacturers

      Car brands logos and the of car makes from the world with...

    • Volkswagen

      Specs for Volkswagen models with complete specs about...

    • Kia

      Kia models Discover Kia specs and choose the model you are...

    • Japanese


    • Nissan

      Nissan models Discover Nissan specs and choose the model you...

    • French

      Base de données de fiches techniques de voitures avec toutes...

    • Toyota

      Toyota models Discover Toyota specs and choose the model you...

    • Deutsch

      Datenbank mit Fahrzeugspezifikationen mit allen Automarken...

  2. A total of 286.505 vehicles were registered in Kosovo in 2014. The oldest one was produced in 1942. Overall, the average age of cars in Kosovo is above 18 years old, which is 10 years more than the average age of vehicles in the European Union. The 2011 decision of the Government to allow the import of used vehicles up to 13 years,

  3. GAZETA ZYRTARE E REPUBLIKËS KOSOVËS / Nr. 1 / 11 MAJ 01, PRISHTINË 2 LIGJI Nr. 0/L-13 PËR AUTOMJETE 1.1. Mjet - është një mjet motorik ose rimorkioja e tij; 1.2. Mjet motorik - çdo mjet me djegie të brendshme i cili lëvizë në rrugë me fuqi të vet,

  4. Vehicle registration procedure 1. The following documents are required for the registration of vehicles with “RKS” plates by the owners of vehicles supplied with “PR”, “KM”, “PZ”, “GL”, “UR”, “PE” and “DA” or “ĐA” plates from date 10 June 1999 to 21 April 2022: 1.1. Original vehicle registration certificate ...

  5. 31 gru 2023 · Një platformë online e cila mundëson të dhënat statistikore mbi mjetet e regjistruara dhe lejet e drejtimit në Shqipëri, shërbimet e ofruara nga DPSHTRR, si dhe për sigurinë rrugore.

  6. Car Specs Database of hundreds of thousands cars with detailed specifications, technical data and performance data. ProfessCars simulation of car accelerations in road conditions. For each car info on top speed, acceleration times 0-60 mph, 0-100 km/h, 1/4-mile times, detailed photo.

  7. Baza podataka automobilskih specifikacija sa svim markama automobila na svetu. Saznajte kompletnu bazu podataka automobila sa specifikacijama, foto galerijom i alatom za upoređivanje automobila.

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