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Carol Cilliers Blaschke is a spiritual teacher, and professional healer and astrologer with over 30 years in the healing arts. She is a specialist in Astrology, Clairvoyance, Yoga, Rebirthing Breathwork, and Raw Foods.
Carol Cilliers Blaschke is a spiritual journey leader at Spirit is Calling and offers professional healings and astrology readings at Spirit is Calling retreats and events and by appointment. Carol has directed four different Clairvoyant Training Institutes in N and S California.
Carol is an accomplished whole person healer and teacher focusing on "aligning self". She has a refreshing neutrality to the various life experiences people create. Carol has directed four different Clairvoyant Training Institutes in N and S California.
Read Carol Footprints 3 Pupil s Book - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. footptint pupil 's book
REVIEWS “Timing Grace is an integration of the latest academic homiletical literature with artworks and sermons. The act of reading this book is in itself an almost poetic-aesth
1 sty 1999 · This is a review article of Paul Cillier's 1999 book Complexity and Postmodernism. The review article is generally encouraging and constructive, although isolates a number of areas in need...
15 sty 2016 · Although Cilliers’ book remains an important reference in any study of com- plexity , his articles explore the general ideas put forward in his book in more depth, and with greater...