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The Department of Parks and Recreation has established rules and regulations to protect park areas for the enjoyment of future generations as well as for the convenience and safety of the park visitors.
- General Provisions
California State Park Laws were established to protect the...
- Laws, Regulations, and Public Safety
State Parks are protected by statutes contained in the...
- General Provisions
What is legal and illegal to do at the beach in California? Each beach has its own rules regarding such things as whether you can bring dogs, or food, or alcohol, etc. Many beaches are managed by the California Department of Parks & Recreation, so be sure to check the website for the rules.
Here are rules you'll find at many beaches. Some rules seem to make sense, while others may just tick you off! No Smoking: Smoking is prohibited at most CA Beaches after laws were enacted during the past decade. No Glass Bottles or Glass Objects: People cut their feet on glass, usually from broken bottles hidden in the sand.
California State Park Laws were established to protect the park resources, to administer the parks and to maintain a park atmosphere. All the following sections are contained in the California Code of Regulations.
State Parks are protected by statutes contained in the Public Resource Code and the California Code of Regulations. In addition to these laws, all State laws including traffic laws apply and are enforced.
Regulations for Public Beaches and Ocean Water-Contact Sports Areas Includes health-protective standards, monitoring requirements, and actions to be taken when standards are exceeded, and specific requirements for certain beaches from April 1 through October 31, pursuant to AB 411, (Statutes of 1997, Chapter 765)
California Code of Regulations Title 14, Natural Resources Division 5.5, California Coastal Commission Conflict of Interest Code Rulemaking; Coastal Zone Management Act Title 16, U.S. Code (U.S.C.) § 1451 et seq. Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) Parts 923 and 930 Coastal Conservancy