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Calc is the free spreadsheet program you've always needed. Newcomers find it intuitive and easy to learn, while professional data miners and number crunchers appreciate the comprehensive range of advanced functions.
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The free and private office suite. LibreOffice is a...
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LibreOffice is Free Software that would not be possible...
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Writer has all the features you need from a modern,...
- What is LibreOffice
Calc jest programem do obsługi arkuszy kalkulacyjnych, którego zawsze potrzebowałeś. Łatwy w obsłudze i intuicyjny, lecz oferujący zaawansowane formuły do obsługi dużych zbiorów danych. Kreatory pomogą w wybraniu odpowiedniej funkcji dla danego działania. Możesz też pobrać jeden z szablonów dla częstych zastosowań.
12 sty 2024 · Calc is the free spreadsheet program you've always needed. Newcomers find it intuitive and easy to learn, while professional data miners and number crunchers appreciate the comprehensive range of advanced functions.
Download free office suite for Windows, macOS and Linux. Microsoft compatible, based on OpenOffice, and updated regularly.
Long-term support, custom features, and more are available! The latest version. If you’re a technology enthusiast, early adopter or power user, this version is for you! Download by torrent or see all mirror links. Please note that you only need the x86 version, if you use 32-bit Windows.
1 kwi 2015 · Apache OpenOffice Calc. The solution to storing all your numbers and lists! Calc is the spreadsheet application you’ve always wanted. Newcomers find it intuitive and easy to learn; professional data miners and number crunchers will appreciate the comprehensive range of advanced functions.
16 lip 2024 · Calc is the spreadsheet application you've always wanted. Newcomers find it intuitive and easy to learn; professional data miners and number crunchers will appreciate the comprehensive range of advanced functions.