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DPS for broad arrows is very low, they do less damage than adamant. Unless you have no other choice, it's worth the coins to use rune arrows. If you really wanted to use them, do it to afk Kurask- but common wisdom suggests you should sell them and use broad bolts even there.
Broad arrows can be purchased from any Slayer Master, and are the only arrows which can damage Turoths and Kurasks. Their strength is between mithril arrows and adamant arrows. They require a Slayer level of 55 and a Ranged level of 50 to equip. They can be shot from magic bows or higher.
Broad arrows are better fletching xp, broad bolts are likely better dps on most monsters. I’m assuming you have an rcb, in which case I’d probably go with that. You’re not going to be using an astronomically large amount of bolts, so the xp difference will be negligible.
Look up the master you use and sort their tasks by weight, block the highest weighted tasks you dislike doing (metal dragons, spiritual creatures, greater demons are good starts for higher level masters but it's probably not worth the points to start that block list at your level).
29 paź 2022 · First, training to 99 Slayer gives you access to monsters and bosses that you normally wouldn't be able to if you didn't have the said skill. Bosses such as the Alchemical Hydra and Cerberus, for example, give huge amounts of gold coins per hour, and they're incredibly exciting to kill.
Follow a task list that offers the fastest Slayer experience per hour, and use Slayer reward points to skip undesirable tasks as often as possible. However, some players may find that alternative priorities suit them best, as Slayer also has the potential to be a highly profitable skill.
Get 99 Slayer as quickly and as efficiently as possible with this Complete 1-99 Slayer Guide for OSRS.