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  1. › downloads › technical_informationL1 PRO3 UB - Bose

    The L1 Pro32 is our most advanced Bose L1 portable line array ever. It delivers the supreme clarity and output of a 32-driver articulated line array and 180-degree horizontal sound coverage, giving you an unrivaled portable PA system for medium-to-large-sized venues and events

  2. With a 32-driver articulated line array and Bose Sub1 or Sub2 subwoofer, the L1 Pro32 offers 180-degree horizontal sound coverage, giving DJs, singer-songwriters, and bands an unrivaled portable PA system for medium-to-large-sized venues and events like weddings, clubs, and festivals.

  3. Przenośny system liniowy L1 Pro32 z aktywnym modułem basowym Sub1 cechuje się propagacją poziomą o promieniu 180 stopni i szeroką dyspersją pionową. Jest przeznaczony do większych sal muzycznych.

  4. With the supreme clarity and output of a 32-driver articulated line array, the L1 Pro32 offers 180-degree horizontal coverage and the most focused vertical coverage pattern and highest SPL over distance in an L1 ever — providing intricate sonic detail, clarity, and consistency, even off to the extreme sides in larger venues.

  5. Wtyczka polaryzująca ma dwa bolce, z których jeden jest szerszy. Wtyczka uziemiająca jest wyposażona w dwa bolce zasilające i trzeci bolec uziemienia. Szerszy bolec zasilający lub trzeci bolec uziemienia pełni funkcję zabezpieczającą. Jeśli wtyczka dostarczona wraz.

  6. › global › productsL1 Pro32 - Bose

    Owner's uide L1 Pro32 Portable Line Array English • 3 GLOBAL.BOSE.COM Important Safety Instructions the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

  7. The L1 Pro32 combined with the Bose Sub2 subwoofer, features a 10" × 18" high-excursion neodymium RaceTrack driver. Sub2 is a more powerful option and plays lower and louder. With this unique RaceTrack driver design, Sub2 offer bold bass, has an optimized center of gravity, and saves a lot of space.

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