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  1. Widok na żywo na miasto z kamery zainstalowanej w pobliżu zamku. Kamera internetowa zainstalowana we Włoszech (Brescia). Szczegółowa prognoza pogody dla Włoch na najbliższe dni oraz opinie.

  2. Lake Iseo from Sulzano - Brescia. View of Monte Isola and the Island of St. Paul, where 'the Floating Piers' of Christo has taken place

  3. Per visualizzare le sedute del Consiglio Comunale, delle Commissioni Consiliari , conferenze stampa ed eventi vari: accedi al servizio.

  4. Camera installed at the weather station on the castle of Brescia. View of the city towards the new cathedral. The current webcam image available on the external website.

  5. Live view of the city from a camera installed near the castle. This streaming webcam is located in Italy. Brescia (Panoramic view) - The current image, detailed weather forecast for the next days and comments.

  6. Live webcam: Brescia, Lombardy, Italy - View of the city from the castle grounds

  7. Find live streams from the province of Brescia, in northern Italy, here on Webcamtaxi!

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