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Understanding Blood Tests. Your heart pumps the blood in your body through a system of blood vessels. Blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body. It also carries away waste products. Blood is made up of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and a clear fluid called plasma. There are
Vital for blood coagulation. Protect the body against invading micro-organisms. The relative percentage of the various cells found in the blood is known as the (white cell) differential count. Produced during metabolism of haem, and important part of haemoglobin. Produced and excreted by the liver.
Presented by AACC and NACB. Describe the main cell types observed in peripheral blood. Describe what is meant by the term “differential count”. What do these terms mean, and how are they used? What Specimen? White cells, red cells (erythrocytes) and platelets are counted per unit volume of whole blood. 4.0-10.0 x 103/cu mm.
Blood tests are important as they provide three times as much information as do all other sources (history, examination, symptoms, imaging etc.) combined. Fortunately, the vast majority of routine blood tests, certainly in routine, emergency, and critical care medicine, fall easily into defined
Chapter 1 examines how to interpret results, with the remaining broadly representing a section of the body or a disease type with chapter 9 as a summary. This should enable a read from cover to cover or equally as a reference with each chapter independent.
3. name and discuss at least 2 cardiac enzyme lab tests and 3 serum electrolyte and blood group tests and their nursing implications. 4. name and discuss at least 3 components of the urinalysis lab test and describe the nursing implications. 5. name and discuss at least 3 components of the cerebrospinal fluid analysis lab test and the nursing
Common Laboratory Tests . BMP (Basic Metabolic Panel): A BMP is a common blood chemistry test that measures your sugar level, electrolyte balance, and kidney function. CBC (Complete Blood Count): A common blood test that helps determine an individual’s general health status. It