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Blasco is one of the branches of Erie County Public Library, located at 160 East Front St. Erie, PA 16507. Learn about the library's history, services, and how to support it through the Erie Regional Library Foundation and the Friends of the Library.
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The Erie County Public Library's Bookmobile serves areas of...
- Hours
160 E Front Street ERIE, PA 16507 (814)451-6900. Library...
- Blasco Memorial Library
December 3rd at 6pm Blasco Memorial Library in the Storytime...
- Visit
Dive into the heart of Erie, PA with Joe Herbert as he uncovers the treasures inside the Blasco Library! Nestled on the vibrant Bayfront, this library isn't ...
The Erie County Public Library's Bookmobile serves areas of the city and county that have limited access to library resources. The Bookmobile carries hundreds of books, DVDs, and audiobooks that will appeal to patrons of all ages. The Bookmobile stops at more than 30 locations throughout Erie County. Each stop is open to be used by the general ...
Find out the opening and closing times of Blasco Memorial Library in Erie, PA. The library is located at 160 E Front Street and offers various services and resources.
6 dni temu · December 3rd at 6pm Blasco Memorial Library in the Storytime Room Join us for another amazing cupsleeve event! Come get celebrate your favorite idol’s November or December birthday at our cupsleeve e...
5 wrz 2016 · A hot debate ensued over where to build a new library, formally called the Raymond M. Blasco, M.D. Memorial Library: keep it in town, or move it to the then-derelict waterfront.
The Raymond M. Blasco, M. D, Memorial Library, located at 160 East Front Street in Erie Pennsylvania, maintains an expansive and expanding collection of genealogical and historical information pertaining to Erie County. A good portion of the second floor of the library is dedicated to the Heritage Room which houses county and local histories ...