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  1. 3 gru 2014 · Who’s Afraid of the Black Blocs? Anarchy in Action Around the World by Francis Dupuis-Déri is an attempt to objectively explore and examine the black bloc tactic by casting aside the stereotypes and political dismissals common both in the mainstream media and amongst various radical groups. The book draws on extensive research including ...

  2. › wiki › Black_blocBlack bloc - Wikipedia

    A black bloc (sometimes black block) is a tactic used by protesters who wear black clothing, ski masks, scarves, sunglasses, motorcycle helmets with padding or other face-concealing and face-protecting items.

  3. Reviewed by Gary Roth Francis Dupuis-Déri’s defense of the Black Bloc is disarming in its subtlety. “The Black Bloc,” he tells us, “is not a treatise in political philosophy, let alone a strategy.” For Dupuis-Déri, it is simply “a tactic” (p. 3). But

  4. A number of books have recently been published exploring the relevance of anarchist ideas to Black struggles, including As Black as Resistance, Anarcho-Blackness and the books under review here.

  5. 22 sie 2019 · Francis Dupuis-Déris defense of the Black Bloc is disarming in its subtlety. “The Black Bloc,” he tells us, “is not a treatise in political philosophy, let alone a strategy.” For Dupuis-Déri, it is simply “a tactic” (p. 3).

  6. The Black Bloc is an easily identifiable collective action carried out by individuals wearing black clothes and masks and forming a contingent - a black block - within a rally.

  7. 11 wrz 2014 · Faces masked, dressed in black, and forcefully attacking the symbols of capitalism, Black Blocs have been transformed into an anti-globalization media spectacle. But the popular image of the...

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