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Try it free! --- BIG BROTHER follows a group of people living together in a house outfitted with dozens of high-definition cameras and microphones recording...
Big Brother Slovenija is the Slovenian version of the international reality television franchise Big Brother created by producer John de Mol Jr. in 1997. The show was originally broadcast on Kanal A in 2007, 2008, 2015 and 2016. A celebrity season was aired in 2010 on POP TV.
Big Brother Slovenija (slovensko Veliki brat) je resničnostna oddaja televizijske hiše POP TV.Prvi sezoni sta bili predvajani na Kanal A, tretja (prva slavnih) sezona pa na POP TV in četrta oz. tretja po redni seriji spet na Kanal A.
Danes si lahko ogledate meni osebno najbolj zabavni trenutek v Slovenskem big brotherju.Še po 12 letih se ne ve kdo je jedel sir?Velika misterija!lp.
Big Brother Slovenija 2015 is the third main season of the Slovenian version of Big Brother, which is broadcast on Kanal A. This is the first civilian season of Big Brother to air in Slovenia since 2008. The show also had a celebrity season in 2010, however, it aired on another channel, POP TV.
Big Brother Slovenija 2016 is the fourth main season of the Slovenian version of Big Brother, which is broadcast on Kanal A. This season launched on Friday 26 February 2016. The host of the show this season is Manja Plešnar. [1] . The prize will be €50,000. This season Big Brother house is located in Vevče, Ljubljana, Slovenia. [2]
Big Brother Slovenia 1 is the first season of Big Brother Slovenia.