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  1. CATALOGUE OF SINS. Against You, You only, have I sinned, And done this evil in Your sight; That You may be found just when You speak, And blameless when You judge (Ps 51:4).

  2. sin. THE SEQUENCE OF SIN In the Bible, sin is discussed under three types. The first type of sin is called Imputed Sin. This is the concept that, when Adam sinned, the whole human race sinned. Thus, when Adam was counted guilty, every human being shares his guilt. These things are mentioned in 1 Cor. 15:22; Rom. 5:12; and Rom. 3:23.

  3. The fact that Scripture declares the universal need of atonement (John 3:16; Acts 4:12), of regeneration (John 3:3,5), and of repentance (Acts 17:30) also indicates that sin is universal. An additional proof is the fact that all persons are subject to death, the penalty for sin (Rom 6:23).

  4. These Biblical definitions make clear that sin is every thought, word, attitude, and deed that are in opposition to the revelation of God’s character and will displayed in His Word.

  5. The origin of sin into the universe – According to five key biblical passages of Scripture, a powerful angelic creature named Lucifer once (perhaps before the creation of the earth) led a wicked revolt against Jehovah God himself in an insane attempt to dethrone the

  6. Definition: “Sin is a failure to conform to God’s moral law not only in action and in attitude, but also in our moral nature.”. Grudem. Romans 1:18, “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness”.

  7. Confession of sins in a grace context The confession of sins in the Christian life should not involve morbid introspection. Then, what are valid indications of the need to confess and repent of sin? • We look to God, who will convict us by His Holy Spirit (John 16:8-11; Psalm 139:23,24).

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