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Miesiącem, w którym w Bhutanie panuje najniższa temperatura jest styczeń - termometry wskazują wówczas ok. 6 st. C. Sprawdź informacje o pogodzie w poszczególnych miesiącach, które przygotowaliśmy poniżej i zaplanuj z nami swoje wakacje marzeń.
- Bhutan
Bhutan oferty na wycieczki, wczasy i wakacje. Last Minute...
- Bhutan
La primavera, da marzo a maggio, è molto calda, soprattutto ad aprile e maggio, quando la temperatura può arrivare a 37/38 °C, inoltre, i temporali pomeridiani diventano gradualmente più frequenti. La stagione monsonica va da maggio a metà ottobre, con piogge abbondanti, talora torrenziali, esaltate dalla vicinanza con il rilievo.
Climate information for Bhutan. Prevailing weather conditions, with data in Celsius and Fahrenheit, millimeters and inches. With tips on the best time to visit and what to pack in the suitcase
Marine two-stroke engines used as prime movers on ships are exposed to the varying climatic temperature conditions that occur in different parts of the world. The engines must therefore be able to operate under all ambient conditions, from winter to summer, and from arctic to tropical areas.
Our portfolio includes four-stroke and two-stroke engines for marine and stationary applications, turbochargers and propellers, gas and steam turbines, compressors and chemical reactors. Our four-stroke engines offer propulsion and auxiliary power for all types of applications. We also provide dual fuel engines and complete propulsion packages.
These marine engines have been designed to power your fleet of vessels efficiently and safely. Applications range from merchant vessels operating in environmentally sensitive areas to offshore oil and gas installations where gaseous fuel is available from the process, and everything in between.
The Scania marine engines for propulsion deliver massive power, impressive torque and outstanding fuel efficiency for dependable and cost-efficient operation.