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19 lis 2015 · Eight years ago, some 108,000 refugees from Bhutan were living in seven camps in Jhapa and Morang districts in eastern Nepal. Today, just two camps remain and the refugee population now stands at less than 18,000 people.
6 lis 2007 · Slightly more than 100,000 refugees from Bhutan are currently living in seven camps in eastern Nepal, some of them for as long as 17 years.
6 lis 2007 · UNHCR and its partners are laying the groundwork for the large-scale resettlement of refugees from Bhutan living in Nepal's camps by kicking off a mass information campaign to help them make an informed decision. The first group of accepted refugees is expected to leave early next year.
13 maj 2023 · He is among the hundreds of Bhutanese living in a refugee camp in Beldangi, Jhapa in eastern Nepal for the past three decades. He came to know about the fake Bhutanese refugee scam that came to light over a month ago through his neighbour.
20 lis 2015 · Eight years ago, some 108,000 refugees from Bhutan were living in seven camps in the Jhapa and Morang districts of eastern Nepal. Today only two camps remain and the refugee population now stands at less than 18,000.
IOM together with the Government of Nepal, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and numerous implementing partners helps organizes all post-selection activities related to the resettlement of Bhutanese refugees from Nepal to the eight countries of resettlement.
29 paź 2022 · More than 6,500 Bhutanese refugees still live in the Bhutanese Refugee camps in Jhapa and Morang districts of eastern Nepal. Those willing to return to Bhutan must be allowed to return with honor and dignity.