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The hours of operation for Baltimore City's One Stop Shop Permit Office are generally 8:30am until 4:30pm Monday through Friday excluding Official Baltimore City holidays. Click Here for a list of Baltimore City's Official Holidays:
100 N. Holliday St, Baltimore, MD 21202 City Operator: (410) 396-3100. Hours of Operation: M - F: 8:00am - 5:00pm. Call 3-1-1, within City of Baltimore Outside City call: (443) 263-2220
City Hall - Room 250 100 N. Holliday St, Baltimore, MD 21202 City Operator: (410) 396-3100. Hours of Operation: M - F: 8:00am - 5:00pm. Call 3-1-1, within City of Baltimore Outside City call: (443) 263-2220
Visit in person at 417 E Fayette Street, Room 147. Call Plans Examining Office at : 410-396-3460. Permits within the Department of Housing and Community Development are processed online, via the ePermits online system.
This database contains the most typical Baltimore City permits and licenses that a business may require. Valet Parking Regulations / Permits Applications for Valet Parking Operator's License, permits for Valet Parking Zones and Event Permits for valet operations.
Permit Office Phone Number: 410-396-7070. Permit Office Email: Permit Office Hours of Operation. COVID-19 UPDATE: For our most up-to-date permit guidelines, visit our Public, Private, Athletic Field, and Speciality Permit pages.
WHAT REQUIRES A PERMIT/APPLY FOR PERMITS; SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS; PROPERTY REGISTRATION & RENTAL LICENSING; LOGIN TO YOUR ACCOUNT; For more information call us at 443-984-1809, or visit us at the One Stop Shop at 417 E. Fayette Street, Room 100. Please also see useful FAQs about the Permitting Process.