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Level 37.2, also known as The Dark Poolrooms, is a Sub-Level in Escape the Backrooms. It is a Sub-Level of Level 37 (although you do not get here from that Level) and appears to be a more dangerous Level 37. The Level is connected to an Expansion to Level 37 called Expanded Poolrooms.
You will be switching back and forth between the new Level 37 area (Expanded Poolrooms) and the multiple Level 37.2 areas (Dark Poolrooms). As such, this will be done in order. Once you first spawn in, you will find yourself in a big room with windows, and a hole that you must crouch to enter so...
14 maj 2024 · If you have any questions I'll answer them in the commentsTimestamps0:00 Expanded Poolrooms 12:34 Dark Poolrooms 16:00 Expanded Poolrooms 28:31 Dark Poolroom...
Escape The Backrooms is an indie game made by Fancy Games. It first released on August 11th, 2022. Part 2 released on January 12th, 2023, Part 3 released on June 15th, 2023, and Part 4 released on January 25th, 2024. In this guide, you will understand general information on every level, how to...
19 lip 2023 · Each Level, list of entities, items and what they do, maps, and more ! Thanks to the official Escape the Backrooms wiki for a good amount of the information and its users for the images which will be credited. I do some work there as well so feel free to help out there if needed.
25 sty 2024 · In this level, you are trapped in a small room with the Crawler. While it cannot see very well, it's hearing makes up for it. In this level you need to collect a number of tapes, indicated by the number on the computer in the center of the room, to progress to the next level.
Level 37, commonly referred to as the Poolrooms, is an expansive complex of interconnected rooms and corridors slightly submerged in undulating, lukewarm water. Each area of the level varies greatly in size and structure, ranging from uniform pools and hallways to more open, abnormally-shaped areas.