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26 lis 2021 · In this paper, we propose a novel 50 layers Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based architecture that outperforms the state-of-the-art models. The suggested framework is trained using 5852 CXR...
pneumonia in children of all ages and respiratory rate in partic-ular can be a very valuable sign in guiding diagnosis and raising suspicion of disease.3 Conversely, children with wheeze and low-grade fever typically do not have pneumonia.3 Where the diag-nosis of pneumonia is being considered it is very important to carefully percuss the chest.
Lobes of the lung with related anatomy. Fever and tachypnea are sensitive but not specific. CXR showing prominent wedge-shape area of airspace consolidation in the right lung, characteristic of bacterial pneumonia. Hepatization of the lung and dynamic air bronchograms present in patient with LLL pneumonia. Source: POCUS Atlas. Above plus:
Pneumonia occurs through invasion of the lower respiratory tract by pathogens. Anatomic and mechanical barriers to infection include the nasal hairs and turbinates, cilia, epiglottis, and cough reflex.
16 sty 2023 · Identify the etiology of pediatric pneumonia. Review the presentation of pediatric pneumonia. Outline the treatment and management options available for pediatric pneumonia. Describe interprofessional team strategies for improving care coordination and outcomes in pediatric patients with pneumonia.
• Major cause of hospitalization for high-risk infants (prematurity, solid organ transplant, congenital heart disease, chronic lung disease) • Tachypnea, retractions, low grade fever, poor PO intake, thick & copious nasal secretions) • Typically lasts 7-10 days • Nursing Interventions • Humidified O2 • Frequent suctioning
Pneumonia is an infection in one or both of the lungs, and is sometimes called a chest infection or lower respiratory tract infection. Pneumonia in children can be caused by viruses or bacteria.