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April, the same as March, is a moderately hot spring month in Isles of Capri, Florida, with an average temperature varying between 81°F (27.2°C) and 70.3°F (21.3°C). Temperature
Check accurate weather in April in Capri. Expect Capri April temperature around 17°C (62°F). Read clothing tips & recommended activities.
The average temperature is of 19.7 °C (67 °F), with a minimum of 15.8 °C (60.5 °F) and a maximum of 23.6 °C (74.5 °F). On the coldest nights, which normally occur at the beginning of the month, the temperature usually drops to around 11.5 °C (52.5 °F).
Thus, the mean temperature average in april in Capri is 61°F. Note that these seasonal averages are in contrast with those observed in Capri in the month of april with a maximum record of 74°F in 2012 and a minimum record of 41°F in 2021.
Daily low temperatures increase by 5°F, from 54°F to 59°F, rarely falling below 48°F or exceeding 64°F. For reference, on August 6, the hottest day of the year, temperatures in Capri typically range from 75°F to 88°F, while on February 8, the coldest day of the year, they range from 50°F to 58°F.
Get the monthly weather forecast for Capri, Campania, Italy, including daily high/low, historical averages, to help you plan ahead.
April weather averages for Capri, Italy. Temperature, High temperature, Low temperature, Precipitation, Daily sun hours, Sea temperature.