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This Guide provides information for the proper application of the ASME B31.3 Code "Process Piping,” It was last updated for the 2002 edition. ASME B31.3 applies to process piping and tubing systems at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). This Guide also contains ASME B31.1 and AWWA compliant Piping Specifications.
341.4.3 Examination — Severe Cyclic Conditions. Pip-ing to be used under severe cyclic conditions shall be examined to the extent specified herein or to any greater extent specified in the engineering design. Acceptance criteria are as stated in para. 341.3.2 and in Table 341.3.2, for severe cyclic conditions, unless otherwise specified.
ASME B31.3 applies to process piping and tubing systems at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). This Guide also contains ASME B31.1 and AWWA compliant Piping
ASME B31.3 contains requirements for piping typically found in petroleum refineries; chemical, pharmaceutical, hydrogen, textile, paper and pulp, power generation, semiconductor, and cryogenic plants; and related processing plants and terminals.
This document provides requirements and guidelines for examining welded joints and piping systems. Some key points: 1) It outlines acceptance criteria for different types of welds and examinations including visual, radiographic, magnetic particle, and ultrasonic. Defects must meet the specified criteria.
341.4.3 Examination – Severe Cyclic Conditions. (d) Certification and Records. The requirements of para. 341.4.1(c) apply. Certification that all the quality control requirements of the Code and of the engineering design have been met.
ASME B31.3 contains requirements for piping typically found in petroleum refineries; chemical, pharmaceutical, textile, paper, semiconductor, and cryogenic plants; and related processing plants and terminals. It covers materials and components, design, fabrication, assembly, erection, examination, inspection, and testing of piping.