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  1. Dental caries is one of the most prevalent chronic oral diseases across the globe that can be both treated and prevented. Preventive management strategies can effectively arrest and even completely reverse the caries process.

  2. 7 sie 2018 · Arrested Caries is a type of Dental Caries affecting Teeth which are basically Caries which has become stationary or non-progressive or static without any signs of further progression or extending into the Enamel or dentist structure.

  3. 9 sty 2023 · Arrested caries are areas of decay that have stopped progressing and are inactive, according to the JADA article. This decay is usually limited to areas of the teeth where plaque hasn't built up. These spots look different from the rest of the tooth, often brown or sometimes whiter than the surrounding area (known as white spot lesions ).

  4. Arrested caries are dark discolored inactive caries, and require no restorative treatment unless they affect form, function, or esthetics.

  5. What Does Arrested Caries Mean? Arrested caries are areas of decay that have stopped progressing and are inactive. This decay is usually limited to areas of the teeth where plaque hasn't built up. These spots look different from the rest of the tooth, often brown or sometimes whiter than the surrounding area (known as white spot lesions).

  6. 1 sty 1997 · Arrested dentine caries is clinically defined by the hardness of the dentine surface and a yellow to dark brown coloration [58]. Advanced carious lesions in dentine...

  7. 21 cze 2023 · Dental caries is a prevalent chronic infectious disease resulting from tooth-adherent cariogenic bacteria that metabolize sugars to produce acid, which, over time, demineralizes tooth structure. Dental caries is a term that refers to both the disease and the resulting lesion.

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