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  1. The document is an operator's manual for the M1078 series 2-1/2 ton, 4x4 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles (LMTV). It includes over 300 pages detailing descriptions of components, operating instructions, maintenance procedures, and troubleshooting instructions.

  2. This Technical Manual (TM) is provided to help you operate and maintain the Light Medium Tactical Vehicles (LMTV). It is divided into the following major sections in order of appearance: FRONT COVER INDEX. The front cover index contains a list of the most important topics contained in the manual.

  3. m1078 series, 2-1/2 ton, 4x4, light medium tactical vehicles (lmtv) operator's instructions manual

  4. This Technical Manual (TM) is provided to help you operate and maintain the Medium Tactical Vehicles (MTV). This volume, volume 1, contains general information, equipment description, and operating instructions. Volume 2 contains the remainder of chapter 2, lubrication, troubleshooting, and maintenance procedures.

  5. follow these guidelines when using this manual: • Become familiar with the entire maintenance procedure before beginning a maintenance task. • Read all WARNINGS and CAUTIONS before performing any procedures.

  6. TM 10-5411-233-13&P, 30 September 2002, is updated as follows: 1. File this sheet in front of the manual for reference. 2. This change implements Army Maintenance Transformation and changes the Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) to support Field and Sustainment Maintenance. 3.

  7. LMTV TM-9-2320-365-10 Operator's Manual - Safe and Efficient Operation of M1078 Series Light Medium Tactical Vehicles.