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— With a land area of 48.4 square miles Boston comprises 0.6% of the 7,824 square miles that make up the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. — Boston is the second smallest major U.s. city in terms of land area after san Francisco that has 47 square miles.
• Boston has a land area of 48.28 square miles. • Boston’s land area is 0.6% of the 7,800 square miles in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. • Boston is the second smallest major U.S. city in terms of land area after San Francisco.
Boston has a land area of 48.28 square miles. Boston’s land area is 0.6% of the 7,800 square miles in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Boston is the second smallest major U.S. city in terms of land area after San Francisco. • Almost 50% of land parcels in Boston have tax-exempt public or institutional uses.
Land area: 48.4 square miles. Population density: 13,437 people per square mile (very high). 191,711 residents are foreign born (13.9% Latin America, 7.5% Asia, 3.1% Europe, 3.1% Africa).
15 sty 2012 · Here also is a standard but detailed map of population density in the Greater Boston area, classified so as to highlight variations in the highest-density areas. The patterns here aren’t surprising and seem to correspond quite well to the built-up areas you’d see in an aerial image.
17 wrz 2018 · There are 41 neighborhoods that are fully or partially contained within Boston (18 fully and 23 partially). This section compares all 41 of those to each other. People per square mile (excluding waters). There are 132 places in the Boston Area. This section compares Boston to all of the places in the Boston Area.
1 kwi 2020 · Living in same house 1 year ago, percent of persons age 1 year+, 2018-2022 80.4% Language other than English spoken at home, percent of persons age 5 years+, 2018-2022