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  1. 1 kwi 2021 · Those who suffer from specific phobias tend to avoid the trigger and, in certain situations, this can have a major detriment to quality of life. Here, we present the case of a 69-year-old male who developed aquaphobia while undergoing treatment for non-small cell lung cancer.

  2. 1 kwi 2021 · Previous studies report up to a 10% phobia prevalence rate in people 65 or older, with specific phobias accounting for 2.1% of this group. Adult phobias often last many years and will not subside...

  3. 16 sie 2024 · W internecie można znaleźć test na hydrofobię, ale raczej na stronach anglojęzycznych, gdzie określana jest ona mianem aquaphobia. Pamiętaj jednak, że to terapeuta lub psychiatra powinien postawić diagnozę, bo żadne testy nie zastąpią kontaktu ze specjalistą.

  4. › instituteofaquaphobiaAbout IOA | The IOA

    The Institute of Aquaphobia aims to help everybody, on a multi-cultural & inclusive basis, who has a fear of water to overcome their worries and concerns and learn to feel happy and relaxed in or around pools, rivers, lakes or the sea.

  5. 27 lip 2020 · Aquaphobia refers to an extreme or irrational fear of water. In this article, learn about the symptoms, potential causes, and treatment options available.

  6. › wiki › AquaphobiaAquaphobia - Wikipedia

    A study of epidemiological data from 22 low, lower-middle, upper-middle and high-income countries revealed "fear of still water or weather events" had a prevalence of 2.3%, across all countries; in the US the prevalence was 4.3%. [7] .

  7. In a national sample of 18- and 19-year-old adolescents across three ethnic/racial groups, we examined fear of water, levels of swimming abilities, factors associated with swimming abilities and the etiology of aquaphobia, and factors comorbid with aquaphobia.

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