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The following table describes all of the SYMBOL ATTRIBUTES in APRS and the color used in most cases to convey them on the map. This list is in ascending order meaning you start at the top and assign any color that applies.
- APRS1.2 Updates
APRS 1.2 SPEC ADDENDUM PROPOSALS: The APRS protocol was well...
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Y PY 56 Yacht AY 56 No Symbol Z PZ 57 WinAPRS AZ 57 No Symbol [ HS 58 Jogger DS 58 Wall Cloud \ HT 59 Triangle DT 59 No Symbol] HU 60 PBBS DU 60 No Symbol ^ HV 61 Plane lrge DV 61 No. Plane _ HW 62 WX Station DW 62 No. WX Stn ` HX 63 Dish Ant. DX 63 Rain a LA 64 Ambulance SA 64 No. Diamond b LB 65 Bike SB 65 Dust blwng c LC 66 ICP SC 66 No. CivDef
APRS SYMBOLS (Icons) 25 Nov 2015 ----- WB4APR This original APRS symbol specification is updated periodically with new symbols as they are defined. This is THE master list for APRS. But almost all new symbols since 2007 will be formed as Overlays to the basic set.
106 Appendix 2: APRS Symbol Tables Document Version 1.0.1: 29 August 2000 APRS Protocol Reference — APRS Protocol Version 1.0 APRS SYMBOL TABLES (continued) (Each highlighted character in the Alternate Symbol Table may be replaced with an overlay character). PRIMARY SYMBOL TABLE ALTERNATE SYMBOL TABLE /$ GPS xyz Cnn Icon \$ xyz GPS Enn Icon
2 cze 2004 · Except for the TH-D7 and Truckers, the other SSID conventions mark APRS "TYPES" of users that are independent of the many SYMBOLS they can use. Thus it is nice to know HOW someone is getting into the system, whether via satellite, HF, the internet, or touchtone.
Search for APRS symbols by description or by code. Hover over a symbol to see its code and a brief description. If you find this page useful, you can buy me a beer 🍺.
YPY56YachtAY 56 No Symbol ZPZ57WinAPRSAZ 57 No Symbol [HS58JoggerDS 58 Wall Cloud \HT59TriangleDT 59 No Symbol]HU60PBBSDU 60 No Symbol ^HV61Plane lrgeDV 61 No. Plane _HW62WX StationDW 62 No. WX Stn `HX63Dish Ant.DX 63 Rain aLA64AmbulanceSA 64 No. Diamond bLB65BikeSB 65 Dust blwng cLC66ICPSC 66 No. CivDef dLD67Fire StationSD 67 DX Spot ...