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Definicja: anywho In some parts of the US, people use “anywho” as a transition word like “anyway”. (Example: A person who is talking gets interrupted. Then they say: “Anywho, as I was saying...”)|"Anywho" is incorrect. To express any + person, simply use "anyone".
anyways, anyhoo, anywho - tłumaczenie na polski oraz definicja. Co znaczy i jak powiedzieć "anyways, anyhoo, anywho" po polsku? - w każdym razie; bądź co bądź; tak czy owak; tak czy siak; tak czy inaczej; tak w ogóle
Tłumaczenia w kontekście hasła "Anywho" z angielskiego na polski od Reverso Context: Anywho, I've been thinking, you're right.
6 gru 2022 · "Anywho" is used when a person wants to change the subject, return to a previous subject, or move on to the most interesting subject. Synonyms for "Anywho"/ "Anyhoo": 1 - Anyhow. 2 - Anyway. 3 - Nevertheless. 4 - However. 5 - In spite of.
Anywho is a slang term used to casually transition or change the subject in a conversation. It is often used as a replacement for “anyway” or “so.” In more detail, “anywho” is an informal word that allows the speaker to smoothly shift the focus or move on to a different topic during a conversation.
14 mar 2013 · It's a kind of diminutive, because if people are having a conversation and you want to change the subject, it is a little rude to say 'anyway'. So 'anywho' makes it sound a little more 'cutesy'. Rather like the way we say 'selfie' with the '-ie' diminutive ending to make it sound less narcissist.
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