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25 maj 2017 · If you want the TextView to always have four lines regardless of the length of the text in it, set the android:lines attribute: <TextView. android:id="@+id/address1". android:gravity="left". android:layout_height="fill_parent". android:layout_width="wrap_content". android:maxLines="4".
android:layout_width="70dp" is harcoded and there can be any name with n number of characters instead of VishalVyas. Please advice. Added: It would be fine if I need to write a custom TextView for achieving this but I'll require some guidance.
28 kwi 2022 · Now you’ve learned how the TextView Android widget can be used to display text in multiple lines. You’ve also learned how to use the maxLines , ellipsize , and minLines attributes to control the behavior of the TextView widget.
There are several ways to create a multiline TextView in Android: Using android:maxLines="n" : Setting the android:maxLines attribute to a positive integer will allow the TextView to display up to that many lines of text.
12 lip 2020 · EditTexts in Android Programming extends android.widget.TextView and so are multi-lined by default. You can make your EditTexts multi-line by added certain attributes to the EditTexts View.
ExpandableTextView is an android TextView library that performs multiline ellipsize.
If you want to create a multiline TextView, you can achieve this by using the android:inputType attribute in your XML layout file or by setting it programmatically in your Java/Kotlin code. Here's an example of how to create a multiline TextView: XML Layout: