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  1. The purpose of dancing in ancient times in all parts of the world was to represent various objects and events by means of gestures, postures and attitudes. A good dancer was able to accompany a song with such expressive pantomime

  2. Japanese performing arts - Azuchi-Momoyama, Kabuki, Noh: Noh and kyōgen were dance and theatre forms that had come to express the gravity and decorum of a rigidly formal samurai ruling class by the end of the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1574–1600).

  3. Music has sacred significance in ancient Japanese traditions as well. The Kojiki relates that various forms of music and dance were first invented by the gods when they performed raucous entertainments in order to lure the Sun Goddess Amaterasu out of the cave into which she had withdrawn.

  4. 9 sie 2023 · Known across the globe as the weapon wielded by Japanese samurai, nihonto are more than just simple swords! Learn about the history and complex production process at Hirata Tantojo, where master swordsmith Sukehira Hirata and professional murage Nodoka Hirata will be waiting for you with their incredible knowledge and passion for the job to ...

  5. Bugaku is a Kabugeki of dynamic dance and valiant music that is orchestrated as a composite art of a new art movement called the “martial-arts campaign” proposed from a viewpoint of “beauty of martial-arts” by Koushiro Minamoto.

  6. Gagaku (雅楽) is court music, and is the oldest traditional music in Japan. It was usually patronized by the Imperial Court or the shrines and temples. Gagaku music includes songs, dances, and a mixture of other Asian music. Gagaku has two styles; these are instrumental music kigaku (器楽) and vocal music seigaku (声楽).

  7. 18 sie 2024 · Kabuki, traditional Japanese popular drama with singing and dancing performed in a highly stylized manner. A rich blend of music, dance, mime, and spectacular staging and costuming, it has been a major theatrical form in Japan for four centuries. Learn more about Kabuki in this article.

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