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L'Allegro study guide contains a biography of John Milton, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. About L'Allegro; Poem Text; L'Allegro Summary; Character List; Glossary; Read the Study Guide for L'Allegro…
- Quotes and Analysis
The double-meaning of the word “unreproved” underscores the...
- "L'Allegro" and Milton's Villains
The language of “L’Allegro” also appears in the mouth of...
- Symbols, Allegory and Motifs
Symbols, Allegory and Motifs - L'Allegro “L'Allegro” Summary...
- Poem Text
Poem Text - L'Allegro “L'Allegro” Summary and Analysis -...
- Glossary
Glossary - L'Allegro “L'Allegro” Summary and Analysis -...
- Character List
Mirth is the goddess that guides the speaker’s poetry in...
- Quotes and Analysis
Scoring Rubric for Question 1: Poetry Analysis 0 POINTS 1 POINT Does not meet criteria for any of the following reasons: No defensible thesis Simple restatement of prompt only Summary of poem with no connection to prompt Describes poetic features without making a claim Defensible interpretation of the poem Responds to the prompt
1. Identifying and exploring complexities or tensions within the poem. 2. Illuminating the student’s interpretation by situating it within a broader context. 3. Accounting for alternative interpretations of the poem. 4. Employing a style that is consistently vivid and persuasive.
In an allegory, the characters, events, and even objects, can act as symbols. They have a deeper meaning that the reader should if they are paying close attention, know to decipher. More often than not, allegory is used to tell what the writer would consider a “truth”.
In a well-written paragraph explain why, using specific examples from the rubric and your essay to prove your opinion about your grade. If you can argue convincingly that your grade should be higher, I may choose to do so.
The Poetry Analysis essay includes a prompt and a poem. The prompt gives a preview of the poem, then asks a specific question about how the author uses poetic or literary elements
meaning Identifieswherewhatisdirectly stateddiffersfromwhatisreally meant Explanationsattempttodraw connectionsbetweenthethesisand evidence,butmayalsosummarize withoutanalysis. Explanationsinconsistentlytake intoaccounttheaudience's knowledgeofthetopic. Explanationsapplysomestandards toliterature,suchas: Describeshowastorydevelops,