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Adopt a Blue Whale When you choose a symbolic animal adoption, you generously support WWF’s global conservation efforts. Every donation helps save endangered wildlife, protect fragile ecosystems, and build a future where people live in harmony with nature.
Get a blue whale plush when you donate to help WWF protect animals and places around the world.
Adopt a Whale for 2 Years: $100. For a tax-deductible whale adoption fee of $100 you will receive: Personalized adoption certificate with a photo and information about your whale; Free domestic shipping via USPS (note: international orders will receive a digital certificate).
Symbolically adopt a whale today! The blue whale is the largest animal ever to exist! They achieve an astonishing length of 110 feet and a weight of 330,000 pounds by gobbling up tiny krill in huge amounts—consuming up to 6 tons of food a day!
Adopt a dolphin, whale, sea turtle, or albatross through our symbolic animal adoption program. Great gifts for ocean lovers that support conservation.
Symbolically adopt an animal today and support Oceana’s critical work protecting the oceans and the marine life that call them home. Many of the world’s most iconic creatures rely on the ocean for their habitat and food - but our oceans are in trouble, and we need your help to save them.
When you symbolically adopt a Humpback Whale or Killer Whale (Orca), you receive our engaging educational whale adoption package with your adopted whale’s family tree poster and fact cards with fascinating info about your whale’s size, diet, migration patterns, and ocean habitat.