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  1. 5 cze 2023 · The S1 nerve root serves as the conduit for both the afferent and efferent impulses of the Achilles tendon reflex arc. The deep tendon reflex arc is divided into the upper motor neuron (UMN) component and the lower motor neuron (LMN) component.

  2. In this lab, students will determine the response time, conduction velocity (speed), and amplitude (strength) of two stretch reflexes: the Achilles reflex at the ankle and the patellar (knee-jerk) reflex.

  3. This decrease is consistent with the orderly activation of smaller and then larger motor neurons, with an associated increase in axonal conduction velocities, as would be expected in a reflex response. The arc of the H reflex includes conduction in large, fast-conducting Ia fibers.

  4. Achilles Reflex refers to the involuntary response caused by the activation of the Achilles tendon, mediated by the sciatic nerve and S1 nerve root, often leading to hyperreflexia or hyporeflexia depending on the condition.

  5. The reflex arc includes sensory fibers, synapse within the spinal segment, and motor pathway. The reflexes will first be affected distally in a length-dependent fashion. The ankle reflexes will be diminished or absent.

  6. In this lab, students will determine the response time, conduction velocity (speed), and amplitude (strength) of two stretch reflexes: the Achilles reflex at the ankle and the patellar (knee-jerk) reflex.

  7. Examples of monosynaptic reflex arcs in humans include the patellar reflex and the Achilles reflex. Most reflex arcs are polysynaptic, meaning multiple interneurons (also called relay neurons) interface between the sensory and motor neurons in the reflex pathway.

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