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  1. Welcome to the Academic Portal! This Portal was built for you! Here you will find a set of diversified informations and services for candidates, students and alumni of the University of Minho.

    • Students

      Academic Portal. PhD Degrees 2024/2025. Applications (+info)...

    • Candidates

      Academic Portal. Special Competition for Access and...

    • Alumni

      The Alumni Office keeps former students and the University...

    • Registration and Enrolment

      The terms and procedures related to registration and...

    • Master Degrees

      Applicants who do not receive this SMS should contact the...

    • PhD Degrees

      Applicants who do not receive this SMS should contact the...

    • Other Courses

      Courses corresponding to less than 15 credits, approved and...

    • Mobility Programs

      "Mobility" means that you can do a part of your courses...

  2. This portal is a quick and simple way for students of the University of Minho to access information concerning fees, charges, tuition fees, enrolments and to obtain different kinds of forms.

  3. Bem-vinda/o ao Portal Académico! Este Portal foi construído a pensar em si! Aqui encontrará um conjunto de informações e serviços diversificados destinados a candidata/os, estudantes e alumni da UMinho.

  4. - Access to personal (personal and contact details) and academic information (e.g. study plans, grade registers, documents and payments); - Information on deadlines, procedures and other matters of interest; - Forms; - Academic calendar and examination period; - School schedules.

  5. Este portal é para uso dos estudantes da Universidade do Minho, constituindo uma forma rápida e simplificada de aceder a informação sobre taxas e emolumentos, propinas, matrículas e inscrições, bem como obter diversos tipos de formulários.

  6. The University of Minho (UMinho) is a vibrant young Portuguese university. Founded in 1973, its academic activity started in 1974. There are three campi – Gualtar Campus, Azurém Campus and Couros Campus – located in two charming historical cities – Braga and Guimarães .

  7. So many reasons to choose School of Sciences of University of Minho! We are very happy to have you among us. The School of Sciences offers a wide range of Undergraduate, Master and PhD Degrees that will meet all your needs and goes beyond your expectations. Meet the Presidency team here »» UMinho. e-learning . Intranet . International students.

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