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  1. We want to hear your story! Submit your story and it could be published in a future issue of AA Grapevine! I was told many years ago when I first came to AA that acceptance did not mean I had to like whatever I find disagreeable.

  2. The AA Grapevine Magazine Archive enables you to look up Grapevine Magazine issues spanning our 75 year history. Search by topics, steps, year, region, format & more.

  3. Landmark Study: AA Works We asked study coauthors Dr. John Kelly of Harvard University and Dr. Keith Humphreys of Stanford University, experts in the field of addiction research, to speak with Grapevine about their findings.

  4. spiritual parity between Grapevine and La Viña and the expansion of the magazine to 64 pages with a black-and-white interior and four-color cover marked a turn-ing point in the magazine’s history, and in the decade since, it has made enormous strides. Its website, rede-signed in early 2020 (along with that of Grapevine),

  5. 18 paź 2023 · The Grapevine/La Viña committee magazine is the International Journal of Alcoholics Anonymous and is often referred to as a “meeting in print.” The committee promotes supporting the magazine through its outreach efforts at AA homegroups district committees and is visible at all special district and community events.

  6. To celebrate the 70th anniversary of our beloved book Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, the June Grapevine features wonderful stories and experiences by AA members about this book they love. Click HERE or on the pic to go to the Magazine.

  7. Grapevine and La Viña are the international journals of Alcoholics Anonymous in print, digital and audio. Written, edited, and illustrated by A.A. members and friends of A.A., Grapevine is a lifeline linking one alcoholic to another.

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