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Figure 1 Typical 9:1 voltage unun and long wire antenna configuration. PVC covered 1mm diameter copper wire was used with the view that the thicker insulation may reduce the possibility of insulation puncture due to the higher nominal impedance.
- Uanella Current Balun
Uanella Current Balun - 9:1 VOLTAGE UNUN - VK6YSF
- Guanella Current Balun
Guanella Current Balun - 9:1 VOLTAGE UNUN - VK6YSF
- Version 1
BALUN 9:1 VOLTAGE - VERSION 2 9:1 Voltage balun using a...
- 1 Ferrite V3
The 1:9 unun is connect to an un-balanced feed line and to...
- Projects
UNUN 9:1 VOLTAGE VERSION 3. 9:1 voltage unun using a...
- HF Feedline Choke & Balun
Note the 200ohm resistor appears as 50ohms due to the 1:4...
- Low VHF Band
- HF Bands
- Uanella Current Balun
referred to as an Unun – unbalanced to unbalanced matching transformer. The next component is the coax feedline coming from the radio. Typically, this is a 50-ohm, low loss coax cable that feeds the antenna system. The last component is the counterpoise, which is cut for 0.05 λ (wave length).
12 sie 2016 · A 9:1 unun is a transformer that reduces the impedance at the input by a factor of 9. So, if you connect a length of wire that presents an impedance of about 450 Ω to the input, you’ll get an impedance of about 50 Ω on the output.
The W1SFR End Fed 35’ Random Wire Antenna with 9:1 UnUn What is a random wire antenna and how does it work? The term “random” infers that you can use any length of wire you want as an antenna, while that
With the 9:1 voltage unun and wire lengths suggested in the below tables the antenna should present non extreme impedances for all HF amateur band frequencies. This page is far from complete and represents the ongoing investigation into this type of antenna.
Salve, se vi approcciate per la prima volta alle onde corte o meglio alle HF, vi occorre un antenna semplice e di sicuro funzionamento, in pochi minuti potrete costruirvi una "Long Wire" di lunghezza casuale, con misura del filo elettrico compresa tra 10 e 50 metri, adattata alla linea di trasmissione tramite un trasformatore toroidale Un-Un o ...
The 1:9 unun is connect to an un-balanced feed line and to an un-balanced antenna with an impedance step up from typically 50ohms to 450ohms, the 1:9 Voltage unun is design using a FT140-43 Ferrite Toroid Core.