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  1. The Gurley enterprise was established in 1845, first as the partnership of Phelps & Gurley and in 1852 as W. & L. E. Gurley. William Gurley and his younger brother Lewis E. were both engineering alumni of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in Troy, NY, and brought to the business a hunger for technical innovation and unrivaled marketing skill.

  2. Gurley Precision Instruments, or GPI, is an ISO-9001 certified U.S. manufacturing company based in Troy, New York.

  3. › Makers › GurleyW. & L. E. Gurley

    Gurley's original Solar Compass was similar to Burt's improved solar compass. A second form, in which the tangent screws were moved close to their arcs, was introduced in the 1860s. A third form, with modified declination are, was introduced in 1895.

  4. The W. & L. E. Gurley Building is a historic industrial building in Troy, New York, United States. Built in 1862, it is a classical revival structure that housed the W. & L. E. Gurley Company, a maker of precision measuring instruments .

  5. The W. and L.E. Gurley Company. William Gurley and his younger brother Lewis E. Gurley founded the W. and L.E. Gurley Company in Troy, N.Y., in 1852. At that time the company specialized in manufacturing and supplying precision instruments for civil engineers and surveyors.

  6. 14 lip 2023 · Sieć 5G ma przede wszystkim umożliwić wzrost transferu. Możliwe będzie pobieranie plików z prędkością aż 20 gigabitów na sekundę. W przypadku wysyłania, szybkość sięgać będzie tylko o połowę mniej. Opóźnienie transmisji zostanie mocno zredukowane i wyniesie maksymalnie 4 milisekundy.

  7. 12 maj 2020 · To spore wartości w kraju, gdzie telekomy zapewniają realnie mobilny internet o przepustowości rzędu ok. 20-25 Mb/s, ale i tak wiele osób może jednak unieść teraz ze zdumienia brew — w końcu te 600 Mb/s to poziom osiągalny już wcześniej w ramach sieci LTE przy agregacji kilku pasm. 5G powinno zaś pozwalać na jeszcze szybszy ...