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  1. Erasmus to akronim od European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students (Schemat Akcji Komisji Europejskiej Mobilności Studentów Szkół Wyższych), nawiązujący do niderlandzkiego filozofa Erazma z Rotterdamu, który fundował wybranym studentom koszty podróży po Europie.

  2. The University of Silesia has been participating in the Erasmus+ programme (formerly Socrates programme) since 1998, i.e. since the beginning of the program in Poland. So far, 3607 people have gone to study as part of the programme, and 566 have taken part in international internships.

  3. SOCRATES - jest to program Unii Europejskiej obejmujący sferę edukacji. Przyczynia się on do budowania "Europy wiedzy", przede wszystkim poprzez podnoszenie jakości i atrakcyjności nauczania na wszystkich poziomach, a także ułatwianie szeroko pojętej współpracy i wymiany w zakresie edukacji.

  4. In the years 1998-2006 the Cracow University of Technology participated In the European leading educational programmeSocrates. It has been replaced by Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) which lasted 6 years. Academic year 2014/15 started with Erasmus+, new EU programme for Education and Training. The sectoral programme on higher education

  5. The aim of Socrates Phase II is to promote a Europe of knowledge and encourage lifelong education through learning foreign languages, encouraging mobility, promoting cooperation at European level, opening up to methods of access to education and increasing the use of new technologies in the field of education. ACT.

  6. The largest program in Europe for the promotion of student mobility, ERASMUS, was expected to undergo major changes when it became a subprogram of SOCRATES, the umbrella program of the European Union for various educational activities inaugurated in 1995.

  7. 1. THE IDEA OF UNITING EUROPE AND IT IMPACT ON CREATION A MOBILITY PROGRAM. The great influence for creating Erasmus Programme was idea to join European countries within one union and also created it new structures.

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